Turkey Mince Stir-Fry
This dish is very easy and quick to cook, it has a nice protein content, and it easily incorporates different kind of veggies. The one on the picture I cooked with broccoli and sun dried tomatoes. Serve it with brown rice or quinoa or sweet potato.
500 g Turkey mince,
2 tbsp Coconut oil,
1 Onion,
Garlic cloves,
2 tsp Paprika,
250 ml Coconut milk (such as Aroy-D)
about 700 g of different veggies (experiment with different combinations, such as mushrooms & tomatoes, spinach & courgette, red bell pepper & kale... the possibilities are endless)!
Crush the garlic and chop the onion. Heat the coconut oil in the pan, add the mince, garlic and onion. Stir fry until the meat is nice and brown, about 10 min. Add the paprika and sea salt, black pepper to taste. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different spices. Decide on what veggies you’d like to add. I suggest to pick two different kinds, such as red bell pepper and kale. Chop them nicely and add to the pan. Stir fry for another 5 minutes. Pour in the coconut milk. Stir, cover and cook on low heat for about 10 more minutes.