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Overnight CHIA & OATS pudding RECIPE... A fantastic breakfast idea for busy people!

This is a fantastic breakfast idea for busy people. No more excuses to skip breakfast!

It's a great recipe combining overnight oats and chia pudding, packed with nutritious ingredients that will keep you full all morning and help to stabilize your blood sugar levels. All you need is 5 minutes of your time in the evening and a delicious breakfast will be waiting for you the next morning. I currently make 5 of these every evening for all my family... kids love it too!

INGREDIENTS (1 adult portion):

- 4 tbsp oats,

- 1 tbsp chia seeds,

- 1 tbsp desiccated coconut,

- 1 tbsp ground flaxseed,

- 1/4 tsp cinnamon,

- brown rice milk (enough to cover the dry ingredients),

- 1/2 banana,

- handful of frozen berries.

For the kids I also add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup.


Simply mix all the ingredients together in your usual breakfast bowl, cover with a plate and leave on the kitchen counter overnight.

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